Sunday, January 30, 2011

Two Weeks in Utah

I had a teaching artist in residency for the Utah Arts Council in Spanish Fork. I love teaching at Rees Elementary. They are great hosts and the students and teachers are great too. I worked with 3rd - 5th graders on integrating creative dance with the 6 Traits Plus 1 of Good Writing Skills. There was a family night, daily classes for students, and a performance for the school. It was all very successful. I had to take it easy being a high risk pregnant woman and the kids were very understanding. It is hard to not dance full-out as a dance specialist. Yes, it can be done, but it is hard to hold back. Paige and I stayed at Grandpa Roger and Grandma Cami's house the whole time. It was nice to spend lots of time with them and other Utah family members. I am surprised how fast the two weeks flew by. With part of the money I made from the residency, I bought our family a piano and am very excited for Noah and I to take lessons to learn.

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