Friday, February 4, 2011

Little Sisters Are Fun

Paige loves Lyla's tummy and play time. She makes a fun play area for her each time. Lyla will never be bored.

Grandma Cami Comes to Visit

Her First Bath...well Bird Bath since her cord is still on.

Lyla didn't like her first bath...she pretty much hates to have her clothes off (so diaper changes, clothes changes and bathing are not her favorite thing). She is still a cutie pie, even when she cries.

The First Week Lyla Was Home

Lyla likes to be held is an understatement. She loves to be warm, and swaddled and in someones warm arms. Plenty of people to hold her. We love her.

Taking Lyla Home

We Are All In Love!

Visitors for Baby Lyla

It is time! Lyla has arrived!

Lyla Karen Swenson born on January 17, 2011 at Boise St. Luke's Hospital. She weighs 6 pounds 7 ounces and is 19.5 inches long. The labor and delivery went very well. Both mom and baby are doing well.

Paige Wants Me To Tell the Whole Town...

January - Paige is 4 and can now ride a bike without training wheels! Jeremy worked with her for 20 minutes on a Saturday and she was doing it. We had both tried multiple times working with her since last summer but today was the day. Poor Jeremy was tired after running after her. Too pooped to let me get anymore photos. Paige is so excited. She is growing up! We celebrated with going to the bike shop and trying out mountain bikes for her. We can't wait till she can ride a bike with gears and pedal herself on long rides with us.

Lot's of Walking to Get this Baby Out

January - Hooray! I am at 37 plus weeks in pregnancy. So I am starting to try to get this baby here. Hillary is sweet enough to go with me. We went to the art museum and walked. We went to the zoo with Ollie and Paige and walked. We walked around the mall. We got pedicures and asked the nail technician to hit all of the pressure points to start labor. I had multiple foot massages from Jeremy and my mom. There is something about the end of pregnancy which is very uncomfortable and makes you want to do anything to get your baby out. The only thing is I can't walk for very long because I am uncomfortable. But I am happy to be so far along and baby is ok. Can't wait to meet her.

Paige and Ollie at the zoo liked feeding the farm animals. Paige has no fear when it comes to animals.

Happy New Year! 2011

We spent New Year's Eve with Hillary and Oliver. Jeremy, Noah, Paige, Hill, Ollie, and I all went our for Japanese and then stayed up to past midnight watching movies at home. Paige fell asleep and so did I before midnight. But Hill and Noah went out on the street and banged pots and pans at midnight. Noah thought that was a funny tradition, he had never done it before or heard of it, but he liked joining into running outside in the winter in PJ's to make loud noises in the middle of the night and not get into trouble. Makes since, sounds fun.