Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Noah's PTA Reflections Art for Fall 2010

Noah created three pieces of art for the PTA Reflections 2010 art contest. The theme this year was, "Together we can..." I was proud of his hard work and thoughtfulness in creating the art, titles, and artist statements that related to the theme. He knows parents can't help. And one time I really wanted to and was getting a little too pushy about my oppinion on his art technique, so Noah turned to me and said, "Remember Mom, you can't help me, maybe you should leave." He did it with a smile and I replied back, "You are right, it is hard to not help, I better leave and let you finish it alone." And he did.
The first one is an oil pastel drawing of a tree and then painted with water color paints. His title is, "Colorful Tree," and his artist statement is something like, "Together we can plant trees to keep our earth green." The next is a landscape painting of an Idaho mountain photo I have. He created it with Elmer's glue on 100% cotton muslin fabric to create a contour line drawing of the landforms and then he painted it with watered down acrylic paints. His artist statement is about, "Together we can spend time as a family outdoors." and he goes onto to talk about how we like to do things like hiking, biking, fishing, and camping in the mountains and McCall is one of our favorite places. The last one is a landscape of Moab, Utah, a red rock scenery with a clear waterfall and pool of water. His artist statement was something like, "Together we can keep our earth's water clean." This year, Noah learned a lot on how you don't always win. Last year he won twice, with art and photography. This year he entered three and didn't win any and he worked really hard and thought his were better than some of the others that won. This was a first as a parent for me too. Teaching your child how to loose gracefully even when it was a hard loss and they did an awesome job. I want him to enter it every year, even if it doesn't mean he wins. We will see.

We framed his tree painting and put it in his baby sister's room so we can always enjoy it as a family. It matches her decor perfectly and I told him I was glad we still had it because if he had won, it would be onto other PTA Art contests and we wouldn't have the original.

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