Sunday, October 24, 2010

Noah's 7th Birthday Party!

Noah's Science Birthday Party! It was a smash. We had a great time and the experiments were fun and educational! The boys got to choose their scientist name (i.e., Professor Bubbles, etc.). Our experiments were mainly with dry ice, polymers, and more. Grandma Karen and Dad helped a lot too. Noah loved it all. He helped plan it and he loves science. We will have to do another science party because I have tons of stuff left over. Thank goodness for Steve Spangler Jeremy was getting rid of the dry ice and some fell down the garbage disposal. The boys loved when he turned on the disposal, the dry ice smoke would poof out like a volcano. The boys loved the exploding diet coke too. We did it twice and wanted to do it all night if we had more. July 9, 2010

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