Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tuscany Kids Triathlon

One last fling before school starts. The Tuscany Kids Triathlon. Which will now be an annual event thanks to great neighborhood moms organizing it and making it a family hit. This was a swim, bike, run in our neighborhood (ages 3-8). Noah's age group were the first to go. He did awesome on the swim. He quickly got out, Jeremy helped him at the transition and then he was off on his bike in a flash. After that he was on the run and done before we got to the finish line. I really need to wear jogging attire to these sort of things to keep up with both kids.

Beginner swimmers have the option for flotations like water wings, life jackets, or kick boards. I brought one of each for Paige (since it the swim is across the length of the pool which is the deep end for her). Paige wouldn't have it. She wanted to swim all alone, not even dad in the pool with her and she wanted to swim the big kid length. And she did. We were so proud of her.

At the end there were medals for all of the kids and a drawing for prizes. Then a group photo of all of the athletes. What a great way to promote healthy living and exercise to kids at a young age. This was really fun to participate in and the kids want to do it next year. August 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog, I finally was able to take time and read the whole thing all the way to your first post, You are an amazing mother and I am so thankful and proud to be your sister in law! LOVE you guys
