Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend Trip in McCall

June 2o1o. One of our many summer trips to McCall. It was a late summer in McCall. In May and June it was still cold, rainy, hailing, and sometimes snowy. But there were also times the sun came out. Any time of year McCall is still beautiful. We went on a hike with Grandpa Michael, Grandma Sharon, and Uncle Milo to hike to and fish at Twin Lakes. There was still a lot of snow on the ground and a lot of water on the ground from snow melting. Grandpa's Explorer got stuck in the snow just before we got to the trail head. Luckily we were able to dig and push it out. We never made it to the Twin Lakes this trip. The kids were cold and soaked and tired, and we got a little lost. The trail was hard to find in the snow, mud, and water. Defeated, but happy we tried, we went back to Grandpa's cabin and had hot chocolate. When things get warmer we will try again. The trail head is also where ranchers have an old cabin, hay loft/stable, and it was fun to explore them. We also got to do a lot of balancing acts on logs to get over really wet areas. In this area there are a lot of old dead/burned trees, so Jeremy liked to show off his strength and kick/push giant trees over with his bare hands. Noah thought it was cool. Jeremy is our super strength dad. We have a family joke that he has super power muscles because he is always lifting really heavy and large things that probably would be best with two men or a dolly to do. Thank goodness his back is still doing good.

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